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The best place to get started with creating a budget is my Self Paced course. It will walk you through step by step what you need to do to get your finances in order.
Finances and Gospel Syllabus – The hand out for the Veritas Foundations class
Marriage and Money slides – Slide deck used for marriage and money
Sample Budget – This is the electronic version of what was given out in class.
IRS Calculator – This will help you increase your paycheck and reduce your tax refund.
Financial Illustrations – This is only for the nerdy numbers people; my people.
Questions to ask yourself about money – used on all classes
Crown Financial Budget estimations
Additional Resources
1 Comment so far
JoePosted on3:30 pm - Apr 22, 2016
Hey Jason!
I just finished up your Finance class and I really enjoyed it. I wish that I could have made it to the first class but the second and third classes were also quite good.
I think that there were parts of your class which were kind of difficult to relate to. Unfortunately I am not really in a position to make a salary and manage my own finances independently so that was my main issue. Maybe in future classes you can talk more about taking on debt or getting loans for school since most people have to get some sort of loan for school.
Thank you for grounding your classes in the Word and for challenging us to take our finances seriously. I think that I was convicted that I don’t take my finances as seriously as I should and am in danger of going into debt in the future.